EPB Regulations

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EPB is the energy legislation with which energy-efficient, comfortable buildings, both new construction and renovation, will be achieved in Flanders.

Here you find information flyers on a variety of specific Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) regulations:

Une nouvelle réglementation relative à la performance énergétique des bâiments

Een nieuwe reglementering betreffende de energieprestaties van gebouwen

La réglementation chauffage PEB

EPB Guidelines for Architects

The Ordonnance and its implementing decrees the energy regarding the energy and indoor climate of buildings in the Brussels-Capital region describe the requirements and procedures. The handbook outlines the technical requirements and procedures to reduce energy consumption and improve the indoor climate of buildings. The procedures are administrative acts imposed by the building owner, architect, engineer, contractor and / or EPB advisor throughout the process of elaboration of the project to ensure compliance.

More information:

Guide des exigences et procédures Travaux PEB en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

Gids van de eisen en procedures inzake EPB-Werkzaamheden in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest