Energy Autonomous Tyrol Project: A New 10-point Programme of the Province

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With its new 10 - point action programme Tyrol aims to cover its energy needs in the future with locally produced energy. Drastic reduction of energy consumption and increasing the share of renewable energy are its two main pillars. The energy consumption in buildings is 40 % of the total consumption and one of the main measures of the programme is to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. It is estimated that through quality renovation of buildings more than two thirds of their energy consumption can be saved permanently. The ten points of the programme are:

1. Raising the buildings renovation rate from 2 to at least 3 percent per year thus halving their energy demand.

2. Energy efficient renovation of public buildings in order to serve as models.

3. A new funding programme for energy-efficient and innovative tourism projects.

4. Waste heat recovery in industrial and commercial sites.

5. Hydropower expansion and improvement.

6. Development of new mobility concepts.

7. Energy and climate projects at community and district levels.

8. A support programme for new photovoltaic power plants.

9. Strengthening of research and development on energy innovation in Tyrol.

10. Public awareness through broad information, guidance and training.
