German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV 2009)

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The Energy Saving Ordinance ( EnEV ) is a part of the German economic administrative law. It acts on a basis of the authorization granted by the Energy Saving Act (EnEG)- building standard structural requirements for efficient operation, required energy needs of the building or construction project. It applies to residential buildings, office buildings, and certain premises.


The Energy Conservation Act replaced the Thermal Insulation Ordinance (WSchV) and the heating system regulation from (HeizAnlV) and summarized them. Its first version was enforced on 1 February 2002, the second version (Energy Saving Ordinance 2004) in 2004. To implement the EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (2002/91/EC), a new version is created, since is valid since October 2007. The last update was enforced on 1 October 2009. An amendment was planned for 2012 ("Energy Saving Ordinance 2012").In October 2012, the draft bill of the new Energy Saving Ordinance is available.

Principles of the Energy Saving Ordinance

The combination of heating system regulation and thermal protection regulation to a common regulation extended the current accounting framework in two ways:

  • First, adding systems engineering in the energy balance and taking into account the generation, distribution, storage and transfer of heat losses.
  • Second, the primary energy demand is estimated as a result of extraction, conversion and transport of each energy carrier losses and a factor of primary energy, that are respected in the energy balance of the building. Thus the life cycle is more accurate.

This enhanced framework allows а charge in the overall balance of a building systems, engineering and structural insulation, so a poor thermal insulation can be compensated by an efficient heating system and vice versa. The Energy Saving Ordinance provides for a first time requirements against overheating in the summer time, and considers the solar heat gains.


The Regulation applies in Germany for:

  • buildings with normal internal temperatures (those that are heated to a minimum of 19° C at least four months a year and also the residential buildings),
  • buildings with low internal temperatures (those that are heated to a minimum of 12° C and to a maximum of 12° C for more than four months a year, including the heating, ventilation and air conditioning and domestic hot water systems.

Distinctions, to what extent certain requirements apply to new buildings, existing ones, or both, are made in specific sections and Regulations. The Energy Saving Ordinance shall not apply to:

  • Buildings that are listed, if an exceptionis granted by the competent national authority,
  • buildings that are mainly used for animal husbandry,
  • large-area premises that have to be kept open on a daily basis,
  • underground structures,
  • spaces where planst are grown and saled ( greenhouses , etc.)
  • air-supported structures, tents and similar buildings that must be built and disassembled repeatedly.

More information:

Zukunft Haus

Regulation amending the German Energy Saving Ordinance

Energieeffizienz in deutschen Gebäuden


Wikipedia: Energieeinsparverordnung