Klimaschutzregion Hannover
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Revision as of 11:04, 4 April 2015 by Clarence Rose (talk | contribs)
Klimaschutzregion Hannover (Climate Protection for Hanover) is a coorperative effort of the 'Region und Landeshauptstadt Hannover' (District and State Capital of Hanover), the 'enercity-Förderfonds proKlima' ('ener-city' promotion fund of the NGO 'proKlima'), the 'Klimaschutzagentur' (Climate Protection Agency), the 'Stadtwerke Hannover AG' (company that implements projects for the City of Hanover) and the 'Wirtschaftsentwicklungsgesellschaft Hannoverimpuls Gmbh' (Economic Development Corporation 'Hanover-impuls'). The website contains general information on climate control activities in the Hanover region in Germany.
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