Local climate-action-Programs

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Integrated Climate Protection Concept of the Municipality of Springe „Integriertes Klimaschutzkonzept für die Stadt Springe"

The region Hannover decided to reduce the GHG emission by 40% until 2020. The Municipality of Springe has around 30000 inhabitants and is located in the region of Hanover. In addition to this target and it also committed itself to limit the emission of GHGs to a maximum of 2 t CO2/inhabitant and year in the year 2050.

In order to achieve these targets the municipality developed an integrated climate protection concept with 88 single measure in cooperation with the Stadtwerke Springe, EON/Avacon and the Climate Protection Agency and other market players. The concept was elaborated in cooperation with the citizens which participated in several workshops in the years 2009 and 2010.

Attached you find the link to the programme and the compilation of material both in German language. Among others you find in the documents a description of the course of the process of development, the participating sectors, the areas covered and the events conducted.

The analysis starts with an assessment of the potential for CO2 saving in the sectors households, agriculture, traffic, waste, industry etc. and recommendation for the concrete measures. This includes also the generation of renewable energies to initiate a municipality which strives to become a 100% Renewable City.

More information:

Concept: Ein integriertes Klimaschutzkonzept für die Stadt Springe

Material: Klimaschutz-Aktionsprogramm der Stadt Springe Materialband

City information: City information Hannover

Integrated Climate Protection Concept of the Municipality of Seelze „Integrierte Klimaschutzkonzept für die Stadt Seelze"

The municipality of Seelze is also located in the Region of Hanover and has 32206 inhabitants (31,Dec.2012).

The Climate Protection Agency supports local authorities in the surrounding of Hanover in elaboratating of local climate-action-programs and the establishment Passive House Standard. The public participate in the process. The target of this process is to develope a Catalogue of actions for the community until 2020 and beyond as a guideline. This concept was 95% financed by the Climate Protection Initiative by Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety BMU, Germany (Klimaschutzinitiative des BMU) and 5 % by the Municipality of Seelze.

More information:

Phases/targets/methodology: Seelze Phasen und Ziele

Report: Klimaschutzkonzept Seelze


Klimaschutzkonzept Seelze Materialband

Draft Resolution for municipal decision:


City information: City information Seelze