Map with component guidelines for cost-optimal Passive Houses and EnerPHit retrofits

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A clickable map, developed by the Passive House Institute, now provides a detailed overview of components required to achieve a Passive House / EnerPHit building in regions across Europe. Move your mouse over a country to display that country's climate zone(s). A click will reveal detailed component guidelines. These guidelines address building envelope and building services components, including renewable energies. Links to realised examples provide insight into successful solutions and contact details of the design team involved. With this information at hand, you can start planning your Passive House with the PHPP. The map is available on Passipedia / Go to Map. It gives you an overview, region by region, on component requirements to achieve a sustainable new building or (step by step) retrofit, already complying with the European targets of “Nearly Zero Energy Building”, the requirement for all buildings in Europe by 2020.

Map of Passive House component guidelines

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Map with component guidelines for cost-optimal Passive Houses and EnerPHit retrofits This map can be usefull to define political regional targets on how to obtain a “Nearly Zero Energy Building”.