PassREg - Solutions Open Source:About

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The PassREg SOS - the European database for regional Passive house development with renewable energy in buildings

There is no need to reinvent the wheel –sharing about regional Passive House solutions makes it all easier: This is the guiding principle of this database for the regional implementation of Passive House with renewable energy. The database is intended to facilitate finding solutions and overcoming difficulties of energy transition in the built environment throughout Europe both in new construction and in retrofitting existing structures.

In many areas in Europe, investors, construction planners, policy makers and construction experts are trying to introduce Passive House technology and the use of renewable energy in built structures. In this effort, they encounter financial, technical, administrative and political problems all too often. These problems must be addressed thoroughly. At the same time, as the Passive House standard is implemented more and more often in various European regions, many brilliant ideas and innovative solutions have already been found. For example, some frontrunner regions (Brussels, etc.) gained a lot of experience since a standard close to the Passive House standard became run of the mill there. To experts in other regions this experience can make a difference.

To capture and communicate experience in Passive House building and related issues, a living encyclopedia was launched. It is called ‘PassREg SOS’ to emphasise

  • its focus on the use of Passive house technology (Pass…)
  • its inclusion of appropriate renewable energy (…RE…)
  • its focus on the transition of the building sector in European regions (…REg…)
  • its aim to provide solutions and (…S…)
  • in an open source development (…OS)
  • its nature as an aid in case of need (…SOS).

This database aims to serve as a source of inspiration and information throughout Europe and to support overcoming any problems facing attempts to broadly implement passive buildings fed by renewable energy.

When implementing Passive House technology on a broad scale, regional challenges are complex and require an integrated approach for introducing smart construction and energy concepts. PassREg-SOS presents information on the entire spectrum of developments in (almost) energy-neutral construction and retrofitting and provides solutions related to policy, training, designing, communication, construction, economics, financing, tendering-practice, consulting, quality assurance and monitoring. Therefore PassREg-SOS is not just for Passive House designers and craftsmen but also for all other Passive house trailblazers, from private investors and engineering teachers to regional politicians.

Do it yourself

PassREg-SOS is a wiki-database intended to be accessible to a broad audience. This implies that articles can be added by anyone interested in sharing specific solutions and successful methods for regional Passive House and renewable energy development.

We encourage users to upload their own articles and expand and edit existing articles. Once you have registered for a user account, requested Contributor status, and received confirmation, you can begin writing your own material. There are just a few important concepts to follow. Good, topical articles improve the database; no marketing is allowed; and the texts, data, and figures must be freely available. The simple rules for use can be found under Help.

Like Wikipedia, the articles on PassREg-SOS are monitored and completed by the users themselves. About the conditions and responsibilities about the content please read more at the disclaimer.

Policies and Guidelines

  1. The responsibility of the content of articles lies with the editor of the article. There will be no organized supervision, except by the users of the database themselves.
  2. The articles, data and figures must be freely available. By contributing to this website you agree to releasing your work under the license of this website: Creative Commons.
  3. No marketing is allowed: the content has to be free from commercial and/or political bias. Spam will be deleted and your account will be disabled.
  4. Make sure your article is topical, has a high quality and improves the database. It should be objective and explanatory, not biased or polemical. Offensive language is not acceptable.
  5. Keep your article(s) up to date.
  6. Delete your own out-dated articles. Do not delete articles of other authors without informing them.
  7. Inform DNA in de bouw in case of any inconvenience or irregularity: just send an email to:

In case you violate these simple rules, DNA in de bouw is entitled to retract your status as contributor. DNA in de bouw reserves the right to remove articles without comment.

A brief note on the creation of PassREg SOS

The PassREg-SOS has been initiated in 2013 as part of the IEE project PassREg ( "PassREg" refers to Passive House development with renewable energy in European regions.

Under this project, DNA in de bouw (NL) and 14 European partners* gathered and analyzed data related to practical solutions and innovations in various European regions. This first collection of information is now open for additions and improvements from its users online.

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'* The PassREg partners are: eERG-Polimi, Milan (IT) - Community of Cesena (IT) - ProKlima, Hannover (D) - PMP, Brussel (B) - PHP, Antwerpen (B) - PHI, Darmstadt (D) - Nobatek, Aquitaine (FR) - LEIF, Riga (LV) - IG Passivhaus Tirol, Innsbruck (AT) - Eneffect, Sofia (BG) - DNA in de bouw, Arnhem-Nijmegen (NL) - Municipality of Burgas (BG) - Municipality of Zagreb (HR) - BRE, Cardiff (GB)