Residential Subsidies in Tyrol (Wohnbauförderungsrichtlinie)

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Various subsidies exist at provincial level, most being linked to housing support, especially concerning thermal insulation, use of biomass for heating and solar energy for space heating and domestic hot water preparation, but also for energy consulting and issue of EPCs.

The provinces provided 1,950 M Euro in 2010 for subsidized new construction. Roughly 1/3 went to companies, constructing affordable houses (LPHA), 1/6 to commercial housing developers and the remaining more than 1/2 to individual households and municipalities. In 2010 as many as 28,000 houses were subsidized. This is roughly 60% of all new construction. The provision of subsidies is usually linked with limitations of purchase prices and rents. The subsidies for renovation of buildings are put into effect either as investment grants (usually between 10 and 25%) or loans (with 1% to 4% interest for a period of 10 to 20 years, depending on the regional system and the quality of supported measures). Almost half of the housing subsidies by the provinces are granted for new construction in the multi-apartment sector, another 11% are spent for the sector of detached houses. The expenditures for housing renovation are quickly increasing (28 %).

New guidelines for housing subsidies in Tyrol came into force on October 1, 2013. Particularly attractive subsidies are provided for renovation of residential buildings. With extensive renovations up to two-thirds of the heating costs can be saved. In addition, developers are rewarded for quality renovations with an eco-bonus of up to EUR 8,000 per family house. To obtain the subsidies for new housing applicants must have a family income between EUR 1,310 and EUR 2,660 per month, depending on the number of family members and the exact amount of the monthly income. In obtaining subsidies for social housing, there are restrictions on the sale cost of housing and the amount of the rent. Compliance with certain minimum requirements for space heating is a precondition to receive subsidies; from 1.1.2012 the maximum annual heating demand shall not exceed 20 to 36 kWh / m².a depending on the characteristic length of the building (approximately 33% lower than the rate of OIB directive). The loan may not exceed EUR 980 / m2. The second level is a grant subsidy to be obtained in order to cover increased criteria for energy consumption of the building. The subsidy amount is calculated as the total number of points multiplied by the eligible area and multiplied by the point value of EUR 8.

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