BUILD UP Skills Initiative

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From strategy to action

BUILD UP Skills is a new strategic initiative under the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme (Calls for proposals 2011-2013) to boost continuing or further education and training of craftsmen and other on-site construction workers and systems installers in the building sector. The final aim is to increase the number of qualified workers across Europe to deliver renovations offering a high energy performance as well as new, nearly zero-energy buildings. The initiative addresses skills in relation to energy efficiency and renewables in all types of buildings.

BUILD UP Skills has two phases

First, the objective is to set up national qualification platforms and roadmaps to successfully train the building workforce in order to meet the targets for 2020 and beyond (Pillar I). Pillar I are national projects. Based on these roadmaps, the second step is to facilitate the introduction of new and/or the upgrading of existing qualification and training schemes (Pillar II). Throughout the whole duration of the initiative, regular exchange activities are organised at EU level to underline the European dimension of this important initiative and to foster the learning among countries. To date 30 EU countries work towards national roadmaps for qualifying their building workforce for the 2020 challenges. In 20 countries the status quo analysis and the roadmaps have been finished and results are now available. The BUILD UP Skills Initiative will contribute to the objectives of two flagship initiatives of the Commission’s ‘Europe 2020’ strategy — ‘Resource-efficient Europe’ and ‘An Agenda for new skills and jobs’. It is part of the Commission's Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2011. It will also enhance interactions with the existing structures and funding instruments like the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Lifelong Learning Programme and will be based on the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and its learning outcome approach.


In all countries national teams have been formed. Each country team first works on a detailed analysis of the national status quo. The aim is to assess and quantify supply and demand in the building sector until 2020 and beyond, and to identify specific skills shortages by craft occupation as well as key barriers. The majority of status quo reports are expected by June 2012. This analysis will be the basis for broad discussions with public and private stakeholders about current gaps, future needs and priorities, leading to the elaboration and endorsement of a national roadmap of priority measures to up-skill the qualification of craftsmen, other on-site workers and system installers of buildings. The identified measures should aim at reaching the 2020 targets in the building sector.

EU Activities

Throughout the whole BUILD UP Skills Initiative, regular exchange activities are organised at EU level to underline the European dimension and to foster the learning among countries. Many challenges in the building sector seem country-specific but often turn out to be common for many countries. These meetings foster the exchange and transfer of the rich technical expertises and experiences within the national BUILD UP Skills teams. EU exchange meetings: Until end of 2013 representatives of the national teams constituted within phase I of the initiative will meet twice a year to exchange on challenges they face as well as on findings, best practices, common ways forward, etc. Flexible working group formats allow in-depth exchange and learning. Peer review activities: Groups of four countries have been formed that support each other throughout the whole 18 months of work on the roadmaps. Publications: Key results such as the national status quo reports and the national roadmaps will each be summarised into an EU-wide publication. Phase I, to set up national platforms and develop national roadmaps, started in November 2011 and goes on until end of 2013.

Outlook of Phase II

The Intelligent Energy Europe programme is looking to support best proposals forlarge-scale and longlasting qualification schemes. The proposed measures and activities must be an identified priority of the national roadmap or of an equivalent strategy document. The geographical scope can be national or multi-national. The first IEE Call for proposals closes on 30 April 2013: selected projects will be able to start late in 2013. Information on criteria, application forms and guidelines, will be placed on the IEE website in autumn 2012:


Schemes which are mandatory under the EPBD/RES Directive or specific national legislation will not be eligible for financial support. Support could, however, be provided for promotional activities related to mandatory schemes. The courses as such will not be eligible for funding under this Initiative but could be eligible under other EU funding programmes.


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