Contracts for passreg projects

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Sample Contract for functional contracting

Functional contracting as a solution for problems with efficiency and quality of technical systems in public buildings. Functional contracting replaces the description of the technical systems in buildings in usual tendering. Instead of the planned technical devices the results which have to be reached by the technical systems and which are easily to check are described: these are the quality of light, air, temperature and energy consumption. The company wins the contract which guarantees these targets including full maintenance for the planned duration of contract and for the best value of money.

More information:

Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management e.V.

Anleitung zum Erfolgscontracting

Sample Contract for Design-Build-Financing-Operation-Maintanance (DBFMO)


In the 1980’s in America alternative delivery systems emerged as attempts to create a more efficient design and building proces, to reduce conflict between the parties, to reduce the time to deliver and to more satisfy the client/tenant. These approaches can lead to lower costs for all parties’ involved and better quality of the project.

Design-Build-Finance (DBF) process is a a value-based Design-Build approach, now popular to enable large scale projects. The contracting entity (tenant) contracts with a single entity to provide design and construction services combined with a financial construction organized by the executive contractor. Often the tenant hires the real estate owned by the financier. Sometimes the construction contains repayments.

In Belgium and Brussels for instance it is a regular way for tender calls. See also Financial arrangements and contracts based on a guaranteed energy-performance.


The Design-Build-Finance-Maintanance (DBFM)-method includes that the executive party is responsible for organising maintenance. This method of contracting ensures that the executing party has an interest in avoiding high costs of maintanance on the long term and ensures higher quality of the building.


The Design-Build-Finance-Maintanance-Operation- approach (DBFMO) takes also costs of utilization such as energy costs into account. With this approach investment into high quality and energy-efficient design comes forth as most cost-efficient for both tenant and executive party.

More information:

Paper on DBFM contracting and procedure (NL)

Different documents published on DBFMO:

TU Delft: Design-build-finance-maintain contracts in construction

DBFM contract

Life cycle costing

Design build finance maintain – DBFM

Sample contract for LEAN

Lean manufacturing is a way of managing the building process to avoid waste of time, material and energy in the planning- and building proces to ensure the highest level of quality and satisfaction of the client. The construction process is geared to value creation. All creativity and energy of the executing party (s) is focused on optimization of the aspects that are valued by the client: costs, quality, costs of occupation and maintenance, time of delivery - to less costs and more profit for executing parties at the same time. Communication in planning and on the site and also safety optimizes. The process of planning is longer and more (cost) intensive than common in traditional production and construction.

Example Passive house project (PassREg beacon):

Beacon project: Generatiewooncomplex Landgoed Oosterhout (more information and contracts will be available soon).

More information:

Lean manufacturing

Lean in construction:

TU Delft: Optimizing the building process of commercial building using lean construction