IG Passive House Austria

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Passive House Interest Group Austria is the first point of contact for information about the Passive House standard and offers advice to performers, prospects and policy makers. It is a communications network for advisers, planners, building contractors and the construction industry on the passive house sector. It works closely with other national and international organizations. The main focus is on the coordination and sharing of resources. Its members have the opportunity to exchange experiences, both online and at our information sessions. As a center IG Passive House Austria has active quality assurance for passive house construction and in the production of passive house compatible components through courses, seminars and training events. It has developed strategies and concepts to promote the implementation of the Passive House standard in Austria in the private and public sectors. It runs campaigns to increase awareness of the passive house, for information on built objects and resident experiences, and to shatter any prejudices in connection with the country representatives. The IG Passivhaus Austria plays a big role for the international exchange of knowledge with global sister organizations and the European and international bodies and policy makers. Members can found on the website http://www.igpassivhaus.at/.

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