Category:Quality assurance

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Quality assurance is the key when it comes to designing and building highly efficient buildings.
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Amongst others, certification can help to achieve the goal of outstandingly performing buildings.
The following links provide information about certifications offered by the Passive House Institute.

Currently, the Passive House Institute offers building certification, component certification and person certification:

Building certification: Passive House and EnerPHit seals Component certification Person certification: Designers, consultants, tradespersons and building certifiers

Information on "why certify" is available on the website of the International Passive House Association iPHA: - Why certify?
Its affiliates offer information on this topic in many different languages, too. - Certification information
Browse the iPHA website for more information: Official website of iPHA

For a general overview of the above listed certification schemes offered by the Passive House Institute, please go to the official website: - Certification schemes
PDFs can be downloaded for each certification category to ensure that the certification criteria are transparent and open source. The variety of components which have been certified can be seen in the component database, on the same website.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.