Training courses in universities and secondary schools

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For the advancement and spreading of NZEB and Passive House Buildings is fundamental to focus on information and increasing citizens awareness organizing training for all stakeholders, from designers, to civil servants of public bodies. For this reason it has been organised an analysis of all the available information in Cesena regarding training opportunities for low energy buildings and Passive House buildings.

Courses in Universities

Concerning the University of Architecture, Faculty of Cesena (from the Bologna Alma Mater University), some courses and workshops focusing on giving NZEB minimum design criteria will be organized, teaching building solutions that will allow a energy class A with the following requirements:

Sustainable design

The main objective of this module is to make students aware of the available strategies of design in relation to the environmental issues that may vary. Students will be guided in a design path where sustainable choices and attention towards the local context and integrated design will be priorities. The aim of this course is to give necessary tools for an appropriate approach from the urban design point of view and from the traditional building typologies and new technologies integration.

Technologies for sustainable design

The course objective is to provide suitable knowledge to guide students regarding a path of analysis and deepening of the context variables and defining a set of tools with which the architect manages and controls, during the project phases, the coherence between architectural choices and sustainable technical solutions. The workshop has for object the architectural design linked to low energy consumption buildings, this means combining excellent level of formal quality and expressive coherence and high performance of adequate functionality and comfort, producing the lowest impact at the ecosystem resources in their entire life cycle. In detail the laboratory will tackle on the design of a low energy building, characterized by constructive solutions that will bring to the energy class A according to the regulation on energy consumption reduction referring to the “Act of addressing and coordinating energy performance requisite and building energy certification” of the Emilia Romagna Region.

Technologies for energy savings

The main workshop objective is the design theme of environmental sustainable architecture with low energy consumption in a framework of overall design coherence that will allow the complexity of the processes and of the context conditions. Therefore the course wants to give precise knowledge with the aim of improving design skills in relation of the following issues: high performance walls and insulation, material and innovative systems, environmental conditions control systems, active and passive gain, external wall efficiency and climate context, mitigation and adaptability of built environment.

Courses in secondary schools

In order to have an active and exemplary role in citizenship training, the Municipality of Cesena, in collaboration with Energie per la città Inc, started, in autumn 2013, a project of formation and information for secondary schools in Cesena and for all citizenship. This project wants to promote, in a funny and easy way, energy saving and renewable. The first lesson starts with a question for pupils: “Have you ever wondered, reading a super hero comics or watching a movie, how much energy would actually be required to fly so fast or run as a lightning or lift an entire building with one hand? Probably not. I’m not surprised, since many of us have never wondered how much energy is required to dry our hair or cook pasta or heat our flat too.” This approach is useful to introduce energy issues with children in a playful way. This project started in November 2013 in secondary schools and was also spread in the 12 districts of the city of Cesena, with the main objective of creating a deep awareness, both personal and collective, related to the important of choices on these issues, linked to several aspects of daily life. Starting from the retrofitting of a secondary school in the city of Cesena, done through the installation of PV plants, the improvement of the walls insulation, replacement of the heating plant, the training courses were focused on giving practical examples of “good behavior”: reduce wastefulness with virtuous actions is in fact the priority for energy saving. School must also teach to be respectful towards environment and aware of the choices we make every day dealing with energy consumption. The project is tailored for secondary schools students and for the entire citizenship both with citizens and schools, but also with public events, energy days, etc. Starting from the very positive feedback received from students of the involved classes and from their parents, even with the experience gained from the PassREg project and from the comparison with other partners best practices, Energie per la città Inc in collaboration with the Municipality of Cesena has promoted a new project in schools that deals with environmental sustainability and energy savings. The project, entitled “Questa te la potevi risparmiare…” has started in December 2014 and will go on the entire school year 2014-2015. Starting from what has already been done during these years by Municipalities with the Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) that many cities in Europe have already approved and are approving to reach European objective of reduction by 2020. The main objective of the training programme is to promote the awareness of a rational use of energy in schools and in pupils families starting from their daily consumption and involving in this way also families to make them thinking about the issue of energy efficiency and renewable sources promotion.

The training courses will be organized as following:

Sustainability, nature language

Science teach us that in every natural process is based on some fundamental vital principles that, all together, act as a guarantee for sustainability. Main principles are those of diversity, life cycle, interdependency, cooperation, by which we should have to be inspired to establish our society and our personal life style. All these aspects are analysed with children through playful and partecipative activities and through many practical examples linked to our daily life.

Energy, all around us

A trip in the world of energy, to find interconnections with many other prospective like peace, rights, occupation, health and quality of life.

Our possible choices for a better future

The last meeting is focused on our daily actions, researching an awareness that bring us to be responsible of our small and big choices dealing directly or indirectly with the energy issue and in all the things turning around that.

Within training activities it has been given to students a questionnaire to be submitted to their families on their daily habits and on the main issues in the field of energy. Some advice to implement useful behavior and data explaining how our habits may affect energy consumption will be attached to the questionnaires. In this way students will be spokesperson with families on what they've learned about training courses.


Courses in secondary schools in Cesena