EPBD in France

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NZEB definition

NZEB are called «bâtiments basse consommation» or «BBC» in France. There are different requirements set by the RT 2012 (Regulation Thermique) for new residential buildings, office buildings and renovated buildings considering the energy required for heating, cooling, the production of hot water, lighting and auxiliary systems. Consumption levels differ in the geographical regions. BBC buildings must demonstrate a use of renewable energy. The numerical indicator for energy demand according to Article 9(3a) are the following:

  • New residential buildings: less than 50 kWh ep/m²/year
  • Office buildings: 70 kWh ep /m² / year (for non air-conditioned office buildings) or 110 kWh ep / m² / year for buildings air-conditioned offices.

Energy required for heating, cooling, the production of hot water, lighting and auxiliary systems is taken. The intermediate targets according to Article are set as follows:

  • For collective housing, the consumption requirement will be lowered from 57.5 to 50 kWhep/m2/y in 2015.
  • For individual housing the requirement is already 50 kWh/m2/year.

All new buildings will be energy positive in 2020.


The use of renewable energies is one of the objectives of the RT 2012. First of all, regarding the buildings to use renewable energy sources by choosing one among those proposed in the order. These include:

  • The production of hot water by using solar thermal panels,
  • The connection to a network for heat supplied more than 50 % by a renewable energy recovery, or
  • The demonstration that the contribution of renewable energy to building EPC consumption is equal to or exceeds 5kwhep/(m2.year).

Source: [1] Jan Groezinger at al: Overview of Member States information on NZEBs Working version of the progress report - final report. Ecofys 2014 by order of European Commission.