Generatie Wooncomplex Landgoed Oosterhout in Nijmegen (GWLO) (generation cluster housing estate Oosterhout)
This project was developed along a prescription of performance requirements demanding life cycle costs been taken into account. Passiefhuis Oijen is built according to the Passive House concept with a pellet stove and served as inspiration for GWLO.
This project was organised in a Lean-like cooperation. The building team consisted of the executing parties, the clients, the lean-planner, the passive house advisor and the building inspector. The contracts where based on prescription of performance. The bouwteam was challenged to find best and innovative solutions during the designing phase and reduce execution time, -waste, -failures and thus costs. See also Lean at GWLO
This project is privately financed. The project was valuated during the planning phase and leading for price-setting and contracting building companies. The valuation did take the low-energy-use in operational phase into account.
For the building of this project very little subsidy was granted via Woonpark Gelderland. This is a measure of the Province Gelderland to support sustainable buildings and building complexes. This subsidy is related to an energy performance standard 60% less than the national norm. This subsidy has closed in 2012: