Residential care centre Vroomshoop

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This project was built in 2013 -2014 after tendering for designing and building. In this residential care centre with 22 passive apartments the rent includes a flat rate for heating costs.

brid eye


The tendering was done with a fixed budget of € 2.325.000,--. The building-team with the most convincing design (passive house succeeded) was selected to build. Extra costs for Passive House measures where estimated and offered for € 65.000. This results in an amortization periode of 20jr in monthly costs per appartement = € 19,75. The energy savings per appartement result in a monthly sum of € 28,82 - cost reduction of € 9,27 per month per appartement. Based on this prospected return on investment, the investor agreed with the extra costs.

Part of the deal was the constellation with a traditional Energy Service Company (ESCo). This lead to an impasse required solving during the design phase: Saving energy (passive house design) indeed is the contrary to selling energy (the business of an ESCo)

Integrated design

During the initial design sessions the Morphological design-chard was used. The technical plan was developed and executed by the building team, including the investor Mijande, builder Karsten, installer Alferink Installatietechniek en Bouwnext (Design management, Passive House technology, BIM-modelling).

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Tendering Documents

Plan van aanpak - Plan of action

Aanbiedingsbrief - Submission letter

2de nota van inlichtingen Mijande Vroomshoop - Information notice