Be Passive Magazine

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Since November 2009, PMP and PHP have been issuing “Be Passive,” a quarterly magazine dedicated entirely to low-energy building, and the passive standard in particular. The target audience is: architects, the public authorities, building societies, regional development agencies, engineers, construction manufacturers, real estate actors and all others involved in construction. The magazine aims to serve as a “one-stop shopping” centre for all that relates to energy-efficient building. The goal is to present the information in a clear, concise, and jargon-free way so as to be comprehensible to individuals without technical training. The website (free details and free issues) has more than 20 000 downloads. The magazine is distributed to all target audiences without exception (approximately 15 000).

Specifically, the magazine offers detailed accounts of prominent low-energy construction projects, as well as interviews with important individuals (public authorities, architects, construction sector leaders, building owners and residents). The “Exemplary Building” winners receive extensive coverage. In addition, the editors include updates on the current Belgian legislation related to low-energy building. “Be Passive” is an initiative financed by PMP/PHP and a group of private stakeholders. 4 issues have been supported by Belgian SPF environment.

More information:

be.passive magazine