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Category:Passive House technology
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7 April 2014 10:50:49  +
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Design and consultancy  +
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AECB/ Carbonlite – Passiefhuis Ontwerper training - NL + , AECB/ Carbonlite – Passivhaus Designer training + , Active for more comfort: The Passive House + , BR497 conventions for thermal bridging modelling for compliance with UK Building Regulations and the Passivhaus Standard + , BRE – Passivhaus Designer and Tradesperson training + , Be Passive Magazine + , Bedrijvendierentuin - NL + , Brink Renovent Excellent + , Brink Renovent Excellent - NL + , Brochures en flyers van Saxion - NL + , Buildings in different climate zones and local conditions + , Business Zoo + , Climate Protection Agency – Hannover Region + , De Passiefhuis Trust - NL + , De Passiefhuisconferentie - NL + , De basis van Passiefhuis - NL + , Delivering a low-energy building - Making quality commonplace + , Divu pasīvo ēku projektu stratēģiju salīdzinājums Velsā + , EPB Information Session for Architects, 2008 + , Ebbw Vale + ... Categories
Category:Different climates + , Category:Ecological materials + , Category:Indoor climate + , Category:Multi-storey + , Category:Passiefhuis-Platform (PHP) + , Category:Passive House Institute + , Category:Plateforme Maison Passive (PMP) + , Category:Practice example + , Category:Tools for planning and design + , Category:Urban design + Subcategory of
This property is a special property in this wiki.


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